Here you may find the necessary instructions to install and use the Khepri algorithmic design tool

Installation Instructions

In order to use Khepri, three software pieces are required:

1 • The programming language, Julia.
2 • A programming environment, Visual Studio Code, along with the proper extensions for Julia.
3 • The algorithmic design tool, Khepri.

This page contains the instructions for the required installations, as well as:

4 • Beginner tips on how to use Visual Studio Code.
5 • Instruction on how to install and use Khepri Traceability.


Julia programming language

First, install Julia:
We recommend that you accept the default installation options.


Programming Environment

Second, install Visual Studio Code:
More specifically, use:
Again, we recommend that you accept the default installation options.

Installing the Julia Extension

Third, launch Visual Studio Code and install the Julia extension.
In Visual Studio Code click the View menu in the top bar, and choose Extensions (Ctrl+Shift+X).
In the extensions pane, type Julia into the search engine (on top) and select the Julia extension by clicking the install button. Visual Studio Code will install it. When the installation completes, restart Visual Studio Code.

Launching the Terminal and the Julia REPL

To run code, or to visualize the results of any program, launch the Terminal (or REPL) by going to the View menu in the top bar and choosing Terminal (Ctrl+รง in a PT keyboard; Ctrl+` in a US keyboard).
The terminal, which should now be visible at the bottom of the screen, should also indicate that Julia is running. In the event a Julia prompt is not visible in the terminal (julia>), change the dropdown menu on the top right corner of the terminal to the Julia REPL option.
Another option to start the Julia REPL is available directly through the Command Pallete. Go to the View menu in the top bar and choose Command Pallete (Ctrl+Shift+P). Type Julia: Start REPL in the search engine that appears and select the corresponding option. The terminal should appear at the bottom of your workspace. The same can be achieved with the following key bindings: Alt+J Alt+O.


Khepri algorithmic design tool: Released version

In this section we show you how to install the released version of the Khepri AD tool. Khepri v1.1.0 is a stable and documented version of the tool from 2022. However, it does not accommodate the developments the research team has been working on since then.

With the cursor in the REPL press Enter. Julia should have started and will begin its own installation process. When finished, press the ] key. The Julia prompt (julia>) should change to a package installation prompt (pkg>). In front of it, type add Khepri and press Enter.
After the installation is done, press backspace (←) to return to the Julia prompt (julia>).

To test if the installation worked, start by connecting to the AutoCAD backend. Write and evaluate the following lines of code in the REPL by clicking Enter after each instruction:

    using Khepri

Then start AutoCAD and open a new drawing. If a dialog box appears in AutoCAD asking if you want to load Khepri, click on the button Always Load. A circle should then appear in AutoCAD.

Note: in case the REPL shows errors and messages such as 'Please, close AutoCAD and retry' or 'Please, start/restart AutoCAD'... just do what it says.

⚠ Troubleshooting

If, during the Khepri package installation, the following error appears: ERROR: SystemError: opening file "C:\\Users\\<user name>\\.julia\\registries\\General\\Registry.toml" : No such file or directory., it means the package installer is trying to find the Registry.toml file, which should be in the path provided and is not.
Close the editor, and delete the .julia folder from the suggested path (C:\Users\<user name>\.julia). Then, open the editor, launch the Julia REPL, and repeat Khepri's inhalation process.
If this does not work, repeat the process once more, this time also uninstalling Julia from your computer entirely. Reinstall it again and try anew.


Khepri algorithmic design tool: Main version

In this section we show you how to install the most recent version of the Khepri AD tool. Khepri main/master is a branch under development. It benefits from the most recent updates our team has been working on. Occasional inconsistencies are expected tough. It is also divided in modules so that users may install only the ones they are interested in exploring. The Base module should always be installed, as it provides support to all others. We will exemplify the installation process with the AutoCAD module.

Press the ] key in the Julia REPL. The Julia prompt (julia>) should change to a package installation prompt (pkg>). In front of it, type add and press Enter.
When this installation is done, repeat the process for add After the latter installation is done, you may press backspace (←) to return to the Julia prompt (julia>).

To test if the installation worked, write and evaluate the following lines of code in the REPL by clicking Enter after each instruction:

    using KhepriAutoCAD

AutoCAD should start automatically. Please select the KhepriTemplate tab in AutoCAD as suggested in the REPL. If a dialog box appears in AutoCAD asking if you want to load Khepri, click on the Always Load button. A circle should then appear in AutoCAD.

Note: in case the REPL shows errors and messages such as 'Please, close AutoCAD and retry' or 'Please, start/restart AutoCAD'... just do what it says.

Khepri Application Modules




Khepri Backend Modules











